July 21, 2015
In this post we will review and learn how to apply some operators in Postgres. The datatypes that we will investigate are Array, JSON and JSONB since they are newer and not so intuitive.
June 23, 2015
In this post we will work in a common problem and explore how to solve it using this not so new feature called LATERAL join.
May 11, 2015
This post is about virtual columns in Postgres (or the lack of them) and a small trick I recently learned that can make our queries easier to read, which is always something to strive for.
May 4, 2015
This is a question answered from time to time but that still confuses some people. Let's understand why it's not so easy to select non aggregate columns after a GROUP BY and what are our alternatives.
April 26, 2015
Recently I was in need to generate JSON from a query and set my key names at will. At first I thought the process would be straightforward, but there is a trick behind this. Let's find more about it!